13th-17th Feb 2023
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Phantom and MCFOST
Group photo from the 4th Phantom MCFOST users workshop

"We showed how to use SPH, for flows in curved metrics of space. We captured the shocks, and adjusted the clocks. Our tests, they all worked in each case."

— Liptai & Price (2019)

How does this dust collect in protoplanetary discs to form planets like the Earth and people like us? How do stars feed black holes in tidal disruption events? How does the common envelope get ejected?

All of these questions can be answered using Phantom, a smoothed particle hydrodynamics code developed right here at Monash, and MCFOST, a class-leading radiative transfer code also developed at Monash.

It's been a couple of traumatic years since we last met, so it's time to gather the user community together, solve some problems and set some goals


1. To consolidate development efforts

2. To set a roadmap for development priorities

3. To grow the user community, and especially to encourage sideways interaction between users

We will set each afternoon of the workshop as a hackfest, to collaboratively implement new features and tests

Dates: 13th-17th Feb 2023

Venue: Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

We are grateful to the Monash-Warwick alliance for support for the workshop


A detailed program is shown below

Daniel Price What's new in PHANTOM? Slides and recording
Amena Faruqi Phantom simulations of a transiting circumbinary disk Slides and recording
Andrew Harris Sarracen: Analysis and Visualization in Python Slides and recording
Elisabeth Borchert Alien material accretion in flyby encounters Slides and recording
Nicólas Cuello Effects of Stellar multiplicity on disc dynamics and planet formation Slides and recording
Griselda Arroyo-Chávez Evolution of the specific angular momentum during gravitational fragmentation of simulated clumps in PHANTOM Slides and recording
Taïssa Danilovich Wind shaping and other observational tracers of binary companions to AGB stars Slides and recording
Jolien Malfait Shaping of AGB outflows by wind-companion interactions Slides and recording
Christophe Pinte MCFOST Recording
Conrad Chan Optimising Phantom for Hybrid OpenMPI-MPI parallelisation Slides and recording
James Wurster Magnetic fields in SPH: A star formation case study Slides and recording
Katerina Klos Investigating the Role of Magnetic Fields in the Formation of High-Mass Star-Forming Cores Recording
Cheryl Lau Going up the tree - Introducing new algorithm to optimize the Radiation Hydrodynamics (RHD) scheme for simulating Stellar Photoionization Feedback Slides and recording
Mike Lau Modelling common-envelope evolution in SPH Slides and recording
Martina Toscani Gravitational waves with PHANTOM: the case of Tidal Disruption Events Slides and recording
Megha Sharma Partial Tidal Disruption Events Slides and recording
Ilya Mandel A Phantom Imposter Slides and recording
Rebecca Nealon The Bardeen-Petterson Effect in accreting supermassive black-hole binaries Slides and recording
Lionel Siess Dusty AGB stars: Science goals and modeling Slides and Recording
Iain Hammond Direct imaging of newborn planets Slides and recording
Miguel Angel González-Bolívar Dust implementation in CE simulations Slides and recording
Sahl Rowther The role of drag and gravity on dust concentration in a gravitationally unstable disc Slides and recording
Benedetta Veronesi A dynamical scale for protoplanetary discs Slides and recording
Joe Monaghan A variety of ideas: 3 body problem, velocity fields, time-stepping Recording
Claudia Toci Pawprints in the dust: are proto-planets hiding in protoplanetary discs gaps and rings? Recording
Stephane Michoulier Growth of porous aggregates in protoplanetary discs using SPH simulations Slides and recording
Ryosuke Hirai New-born neutron stars colliding with companion stars Slides and recording
Cristiano Longarini Kinematics and dynamics of gravitationally unstable discs with PHANTOM Slides and recording
Spencer Magnall General relativistic hydrodynamics in dynamical spacetimes: A particle based approach Slides and recording
Fitz Hu Tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes Recording
Evgeni Grishin Phantom imposter II Slides and recording
Simone Ceppi Why triplicity matters: Polar alignment in triple systems and the role of (high-order) multiple stellar systems in stellar populations Slides and recording
Tom Hilder Semi-analytic models of spiral planet wakes Slides and recording
Terrence Tricco Chasing a ghost: One fool's question for perfection in SPMHD Recording
Caitlyn Hardiman No turbulence in DM Tau? Recording

Amena Faruqi (Univ. Warwick, UK)
Ana Lourdes Juarez Garcia (Macquarie Uni, Sydney)
Andrew Harris
Arup Kumar Maity
Benedetta Veronesi (Univ Lyon, France)
Caitlyn Hardiman (Monash)
Cheryl Lau
Christophe Pinte (Monash)
Claudia Toci
Conrad Chan (ADACS)
Cristiano Longarini (Univ. Milan, Italy)
David Liptai (ADACS)
Daniel Price (Monash)
Dimitri Veras (Univ. Warwick, UK)
Elisabeth Borchert (Monash)
Evgenii Grishin (Monash)
Griselda Arroyo-Chávez
Iain Hammond (Monash)
Ilya Mandel (Monash)
James Wurster (St Andrews, Scotland)
Jean-François Gonzalez (Univ Lyon, France)
Jeremy Smallwood (ASIAA Taiwan)
Joe Monaghan (Monash)
Jolien Malfait (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Katerina Klos
Lionel Siess (Univ Libre Brussels, Belgium)
Luis Carlos Bermúdez Bustamante (Macquarie Uni, Sydney)
Martina Toscani
Maxime Lombart (ASIAA Taiwan)
Megha Sharma (Monash)
Miguel Angel Gonzalez Bolivar (Macquarie Uni, Sydney)
Mike Lau (Monash)
Nicolás Cuello (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, France)
Rafael Martinez-Brunner
Rebecca Nealon (Univ. Warwick, UK)
Ryosuke Hirai (Monash)
Sahl Rowther (Univ. Leicester, UK)
Simone Ceppi (Univ. Milan, Italy)
Spencer Magnall (Monash)
Stephane Michoulier (Univ Lyon, France)
Taïssa Danilovich (Monash)
Terrence Tricco (MUN, Canada)
Thomas Rintoul


The conference will be held in:
Level Four
New Horizons
20 Research Way
Monash University Clayton Campus
Clayton, Victoria, Australia.

The cheapest way to get here is to take the Skybus from the airport to Southern Cross Station, jump on a train to Huntingdale (Pakenham/Cranbourne line) and then catch the 601 shuttle bus from Huntingdale station to the campus. Total cost around $25. Check the ptv website for details.

The fastest way to get here is in a taxi, but it will cost you around $120.


Our recommended accommodation option is Mannix college. Otherwise you can check hotels close to campus. Staying somewhere in South Yarra is another option which is on the train line to Monash (30 mins to campus) but in a lively area closer to the centre of Melbourne.


Registration payment form is now closed. Early bird prices ($150 student, $250 non-student) end on 8th Feb.

If you do not wish to give a talk or poster, just enter "none" for the title and abstract.

31st Jan, 2023: Abstract deadline.

8th Feb, 2023: Early bird registration deadline.

Registration fee will include conference related costs including all tea/coffee breaks, Monday to Friday lunches and the conference dinner /excursion.

Submit your title/abstract/dietary requirements separately via the form below (NOW CLOSED)


(please include "Phantom/MCFOST users workshop" in the title for email queries)


Daniel Price
Christophe Pinte
Rebecca Nealon
Terrence Tricco
James Wurster


Daniel Price (chair)
Rebecca Nealon (co-chair)
Christophe Pinte (co-chair)
Elli Borchert
Himanshi Garg
Iain Hammond
Caitlyn Hardiman
Mike Lau
Spencer Magnall
Megha Sharma